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34th EFFoST International Conference 2020

34th EFFoST International Conference 2020

Bridging high-tech, food-tech and health: Consumer-oriented innovations

10-12 November 2020 | Online event

The health and safety of our conference delegates is our number one priority, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore this year the EFFoST conference will be held online. We are still working on the details, but rest assured that the EFFoST2020 conference is going ahead and the new format will give you ample opportunity to share your work and to listen to all talks at your own pace.

In light of the increasing challenges the food industry faces, there is an immediate need for healthy, safe, sustainable, diverse and wholesome food solutions to fit the needs and preferences of the consumer. EFFoST 2020 will catalyse partnerships and exchanges of fundamental and applied interdisciplinary insights and ideas to enhance and extend the capacity of the food sector to face such challenges today and tomorrow.     

Every year the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) organises this prestigious academic food science and technology conference. This year the EFFoST2020 conference will be held online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated health concerns.

The online conference programme will consist of two parts:

  • A live online event with inspiring invited speakers.
  • An on-demand section where pre-recorded presentations and posters from accepted abstracts will be available for a minimum of 6 months.

This solution will allow presenters to reach a larger audience for an extended period of time, thus, boosting the impact of the presented studies.

Make sure to block 10-12 November 2020 in your diary, to join world-renowned researchers, scientists, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food-related fields to share the latest developments and create new partnerships.

Português, Brasil
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